Why Curl Cult Perms?

Why Curl Cult Perms?


CONFETTI CROWN.a salon+spa in house texture expert+Curl Cult Educator, Kelley Pressel, explains why she chooses CURL CULT vs traditional perms for her go to (don’t fret our perm friends…we still do perms, we still love perms, we got you!)

Smells better (like berries)

Healthier results (pea protein & pismplex technology)

Eco friendly (no rinsing in between saves 18+ gallons of water per perm, backbar sizes save packaging)(this one in particular rings in perfectly with our guiding value of conscious beauty)

No line of demarcation (perm fades out over time)

Kelley often gets asked from our clients how they would know if they are a good candidate for a Curl Cult Treatment Perm.

Her response, Curl Cult Perms are for anyone who wants to add texture and movement to their hair! Whether you want tight curls or beach waves- the possibilities are endless. Any gender, hair length, hair color- YES, even blonde. There are only a few instances when Curl Cult is not recommended (henna, all over bleach, color correction above 3 levels, relaxers, some smoothing treatments) PRO TIP: Schedule a consult with a Curl Cult stylist, and they can do a test strand if in doubt!

Having a new texture added into your hair often means you have to relearn how to style your hair. Kelley offers guidance to all her clients and teaches them the proper technique: start with very damp hair, almost dripping wet. Spray MAGIC SPELL generously all over. Use a WIDE TOOTH COMB. Scrunch/Rake DOLLY POTION and/or ENHANCE, starting at the ends and working your way up. SCRUNCH water out with a 100% cotton towel or T-shirt. AIR DRY, or DIFFUSE for a stronger curl pattern. (Hanging wet hair is heavy and gravity elongates the texture as it dries)

And, always, recreating that look your stylist gave you at home. For this Kelley recommends using Curl Cult’s products. Doing this will extend the life of your treatment by 30% !! REFRESH SHAMPOO+REVIVE CONDITIONER have the pismplex technology to make your hair healthy and I love the inverted bottle design that allows you to get every last drop. MAGIC SPELL- a must for all texture types! (Even naturally curly clients) It is a leave- in conditioning spray that ph balances, detangles, hydrates, and offers curl support. DOLLY POTION- weightless volumizing curl foam, great for even the finest texture. Anti humidity and volume. ENHANCE- moisturizing curl lotion, a stronger hold better for normal to coarse texture.

How does Kelley maintain her Curl Cult clients? Kelley says that curly hair is only as good as your haircut and products you use! If your hair starts to feel weighed down or doesn’t have as much movement as before, it might be time for a trim or some layers! If you just had a cut but styling is still tricky, you may need a different product. Chat with your Curl Cult stylist to help you problem solve which product is best for your hair type, or help with your styling regimen.

Kelley currently offers free Curl Cult Treatment Perm Consultations. All Curl Cult products mentioned here can be bought in salon or through our online site and shipped to you wherever you are.